Decoding the term "Australian HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin"

Decoding the term "Australian HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin"

6th Oct 2021

You may have noticed the phrase "Australian HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin" written on products when you visited an internet store to purchase medical sheepskin products. Did you wonder what it was about? Are you curious as to what this phrase means? Continue reading to find out what each word represents in the "Australian HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin" phrase.


The sheepskin products are created from genuine sheepskin shorn from Australian merino sheep. Merino is a domestic sheep breed or collection of species distinguished by excellent smooth wool. Originally from Spain, they are currently mostly found in Australia and New Zealand. Therefore, the word "Australian" indicates the origin of the wool that is used for sheepskin products and the fact that this medical sheepskin is also knitted and produced in Australia.


HiTemp denotes that the leather will not shrink when washed in water that is below the minimal shrinkage temperature for sheepskin, which is 110°C. However, the recommended temperature for washing wool products is up to 80°C, and for drying is up to 60°C.

The leather shrank and turned hard after repeated washings, which led to a decline in popularity. This hardening limited the user's ability to prevent pressure sores and caused more problems than solved. But this concern is now resolved by tanning the medical sheepskin and allowing it to wash at around 80°C.


UR stands for urine resistance which symbolizes the ability of products to absorb moisture. All wool products have a threshold determining how much water they can hold. A standard UR product can absorb around 30% moisture of its weight before you feel damp, which gives additional comfort to incontinent people and those who are confined to a bed or a chair. Further, if a product has a UR tag, it implies that it will have a leather backing to make it waterproof.

Medical Sheepskin

Medical Sheepskins states that the products are made of certified sheepskin and authentic wool sheared from Australian merino sheep. The sheepskins must be accredited and approved by Standards Australia and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). For that, the sheepskins must meet all the standards specified by Standards Australia, which means the wool type, wool length, and final finish of a medical sheepskin must all match the requirements set forth by the Australian Standard Association.


In summary, Australian HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin states that the products are made of sheepskin that is produced in Australia, certified to be used for medical purposes, urine resistant, and tanned to be washed at temperatures up to 80°C without shrinking.

If you are searching for medical sheepskin products for additional comfort and pressure sore prevention, visit our online store. You can order the products that you want and get them delivered to your doorstep.